JPDA is now known as Circular
We are excited to unveil our new website and brand identity!
Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture (JPDA) is now known as Circular.
Founded in 2000, JPDA has been dedicated to the exploration of new forms and programs made possible by the integration of digital technology, advanced materials research, and high performance design and fabrication methodologies.
As our design philosophy has matured, we are rebranding the firm to highlight our holistic focus on sustainability and social benefit.
Our vision is to be a global leader in producing designs for innovative, resilient, human-centered spaces and systems that promote happiness, delight, healthfulness and community.
We are rebranding the firm to highlight our holistic focus on sustainability and social benefit
We design with empathy and integrity to create solutions that make the world a better place to live, capturing value for our clients, society and the environment.
Our staff, passion and commitment remain the same. Thank you for joining us on this next significant step in our creative journey.
We design with empathy and integrity to promote happiness, delight, healthfulness and community.