O2 Brand Experience at The O2
London, UK • 2007

A journey of interactive experiences through the O2’s entertainment district manifest the brand’s spirit as a "breath of fresh air."
In May of 2005, European mobile provider O2 announced an exciting new venture in partnership with Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG), to transform the former Millennium Dome into Europe’s premier music, sport and entertainment destination. The world’s largest domed structure would soon shelter a sprawling complex including: a 23,000 seat music arena; a music club; an eleven screen cinema; an ice rink; an indoor beach; exhibition space; and an entertainment district, complete with bars, clubs, restaurants, and retail shops. A sophisticated "total design" vision was required to unify the elements, and create an architectural brand identity that would be distinctly "O2."
Circular was chosen from a crop of international firms that competed to win the pitch. Our proposal called for a journey of interactive experiences through the O2’s entertainment district. O2’s Concierge, Create and Chill manifest the brand’s spirit as a ‘breath of fresh air.’
O2 Concierge – Your introduction to the world of O2.
Below the twenty meter high, color changing light sculpture, O2 Angels gather to serve as the personal face of O2, answering questions, providing directions to venues, and handing out “treats” (VIP invitations, free drink coupons, etc…)
An additional LED message “ticker” is suspended around the inside rim, displaying greetings, schedule information, special offers, and calls to action.
O2 Create – 30 seconds of fame for every O2 guest.
Within each of the three pods that unfurl from Create is a video stage, where O2 guests can dance themselves into music videos by the latest artists. The composited video is displayed on large video screens in the “petals” above for the whole plaza to watch.
Guests choose from a selection of music videos to perform to, or they can be directed by a friend who chooses for them and adds effects as they perform. The finished clips are sent via SMS to the performer’s mobile phone for download, playback and sharing.
O2 Chill – Lounge in an interactive multi-sensory environment.
A color changing inflated fabric skin is perched atop a sensuous landscape of upholstered felt and stacked plywood to create this absorbing multimedia space.
Within its three bubbles Chill accommodates for live performances, silent disco’s via wireless headphones, listening cocoons with unique radio ‘channels’ and the Audio Landscape, a terraced felt hillside, dotted with glowing headphone jacks. Each jack allows visitors to plug into different music streams using provided headphones.
Jordan Parnass, Darrick Borowski, Rik Ekstrom, Miguel McKelvey, Randy Plemel, Sean Karns, Tobias Koch, Dana Jaasund, Shannon Werle, Chelsea Lipham, Gregory Merryweather
Concierge – Primary Contractor: ESS; Bubbles + Rigging: Stage One; A/V: Production Science; LED Ticker: Element Labs // Create – Primary Contractor: ESS; Stacked Plywood Form: Stage One; Interactive: MIG; A/V: IMC Productions // Chill – Primary Contractor: Sledge; Inflatable: Bacon-Inflate; Stacked Plywood Landscape: Scenex; Lighting: Blinding Light; Audio: Online AV // Concept Store - Primary Contractor: Bedford and Havenhand; Inflatable Wall + Lighting: Chris Rowell, Architen Landrell; Worktables, Speaker Pots, Recycling, Trees: Meticulous
Client design team: Amanda Jennings, Liz Ward; Structural Engineer: Abigail Matthews, Momentum Engineering; Mechanical Engineer: Peter Roberts, OR Consulting Engineers
David Churchill